What's On


Use the calendar below to view all our upcoming services, socials, and special events.

Click on the events within the calendar to get more information. 

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Special Services and Events

We hold a number of special services and events throughout the year. Check back for more information and dates as they arise.

Saturday 13 July – All Saints Crafts & Cream Teas

All Saints Church will be open all afternoon and while we are still in the planning stages we aim to invite the community in to show/sell their homemade crafts – accompanied by some wonderful cream teas.  If you have any ideas about this or would like to take part please let Wendy know – we’d love to hear from you. Please email wendy.harrison@eastwinchester.org 

Sunday 1 September – 10.30am Welcome Celebration Service for Reverend Chris with Bishop David

Friday 20 September – Messy Church

Saturday 28 September – Harvest Barn Dance