Welcome to All Saints Highcliffe
Regular Service Times
We know it’s often tricky to bring your children (or yourselves!) to church so we try to make it as easy as possible. We have services and events for children and their grown-ups at various times during the week.
There is always a friendly face and a warm welcome for all ages at All Saints. You will find some specific information about some of our family activities beloved’s. If you would like to find out more information, please email office@eastwinchester.org
Small Saints
All Saints Church runs a toddler group on Tuesday and Thursday mornings between 10.00 and 11.30am during term time , welcoming all those that wish to join. There is opportunity for children to play, do arts and crafts, and singing, while adults enjoy the company of others at the group. A healthy snack is provided for children.
For more information see the Facebook page here
Highcliffe Messy Church
We are now offering a session every third Friday of the month in Church from 3:30 to 5pm. Please note there is no Messy Church in April 2024.
Life Events
Parish and Community News
Parish and Community News is published seasonally, every 3 months. For our latest magazine, please click here.
The deadline for the next edition is 9am on 15th August 2024.
Please send copy in word format to magazine@eastwinchester.org
For advertising enquiries email jenny.jarvis@eastwinchester.org
Upcoming Events
New to Church?
Everyone is welcome at All Saints Highcliffe and we’d love you to be able to find your place among us as quickly and easily as possible.
Why not pop along to one of our services and say hello to us over coffee afterwards. We’re a pretty relaxed and informal bunch! Our services have groups for children and opportunities for all ages to be involved. Please come for coffee between 10:00 and 10:30 on Sunday mornings if you would like to meet a few of us first and find out what we’re like.
The church is easy to find and we have plenty of parking. If we can help in anyway, do please get in touch.
If you are new to Christianity and would like to find out more, we run the Alpha course and you are very welcome to come along to that. Alpha is a series of free sessions exploring the Christian faith and each talk looks at a different topic. The dates for the next course are available here. To sign up email alpha@eastwinchester.org or contact us on facebook or social @AllSaintsEWB.

Where to find us
You can find us at:
All Saints Highcliffe Church
Petersfield Road
SO23 0JD
There is parking available.
Prayer is central to all that we do at All Saints.
We want to be a community of people who are developing a relationship with God through prayer. We know that we can take our concerns to God in prayer, that He hears them and He answers them.
If there is something you would like us to pray for (large or small) please email prayer@eastwinchester.org
Your request will be treated in confidence and your anonymity will be preserved if required.
We also appreciate your prayers for our work at All Saints. Thank you!